[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines

Dave dave at dave.tj
Tue Apr 23 16:47:42 CDT 2002

Well, you can always tell your client to ignore the locations of images,
and replace them with your own versions, or to resize images automatically
to a particular size.  (Some Web browsers have been doing just that
for years.)  The cool thing about established standards is that they're
very well-understood, and workarounds for common problems are likely to
already exist.

 - Dave

Mattias Campe wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> > Reply inline:
> > 
> >  - Dave
> > 
> > Richard Dobson wrote:
> > 
> >>
> [...]
> > Any given client has ten million choices about how to implement emoticons
> > if you use something standard like HTTP IMG tags.
> [...]
> That's just a problem I think, those ten million choices. I want to be 
> able to read my messages very fast and actually, emoticons can help me 
> with it. Still, untill I know those ten million of choices... pff ... If 
> I'm e.g. talking to a black metal guy, I'll probably receive a black 
> heart, if I'm talking to an artist it will be some sort abstract graphic 
> if I'm talking to... it will be ?
> The advantage from Daves system is that sb. can send an emoticon the way 
> (s)he intended to! The problem is that it also is the disadvantage: what 
> if e.g. sb. likes to have real big emoticons (he doesn't have to care 
> that they are so big, he has a 21 inch monitor) so he sends those to me, 
> but I actually hate them, they fill half of my (e.g.) 14 inch desktop! 
> I'll need whole my monitor to have 1 chat!
> Maybe some will say that I can't prevent people from sending big images. 
> No, because I can switch off (x)html (or the <img>-part only) and still 
> be using the x-element or the colon method to have _my_ emoticons.
> Well, just some thoughts
> .m.
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