[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines

Perry Lorier perry at coders.net
Mon Apr 22 17:16:14 CDT 2002

> > People who are behind firewalls and proxies can upload their favorite
> > emoticons to GeoCities, and have their clients put in references to
> > there automatically.
> And you expect normal people to this ?? (normal people as in
> non-programmers/web devs, people like new computer users, new people to the
> internet who just want to chat to their friends)
> It also requires that people have their own webspace if they want to use
> emoticons.

My thought is to have a "standard set" which is refered to by URN
instead of URL. eg:  <img src="urn:jabber-emoticons:smilie.png"
alt=":-)"/> then you have a standard set of emoticons that all clients
know about and can use, and if someone is strange and wants to use a
different emoticon they can.

"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy." -- Dr. Emilio Lizardo

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