[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines
dman at dman.ddts.net
Thu Apr 18 13:43:06 CDT 2002
On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 07:25:40PM +0200, Mattias Campe wrote:
| dman wrote:
| >On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:09:57AM +0200, Mattias Campe wrote:
| >| Maybe, some of them you can figure out.
| >
| >Not much other than the ones you explicitly told us. (Actually, I
| >understand the "BTW" one!)
| How is it possible you understand (^), (h), (t) and (m) without ever
| using MSN?
I don't, I understand "BTW". :-).
| >| But (supposing you never used MSN)
| >
| >That's me.
| >
| >| try to write the full text without looking at e.g.
| >| http://communities.msn.com/Emoticons. The only thing I'm personally
| >| afraid of is that a lot of clients will start using MSN emoticons. I'm
| >| using Gabber myself and some friends use Exodus and a lot of the time I
| >| have to ask what they mean with (t)(h)(i)(n)(g)(s) like this. Why
| >| shouldn't it be done write the wright way?
| >
| >The "wright" way (sorry, I had to) is to just write what you meant.
| >hax0rs can do all the nasty munging they want with their words, but
| >real hackers use real English (or their native tongue, if it's
| >different, and the other party also understands it).
| Sorry for the "wright" thing ;-) , hey, but try to speak Dutch one time ;-p
| If you want Jabber to be known to a lot of people, you will need the
| Windows community were a lot of people kick on using emoticons. Those
| people find it "cool" and "necassary" .
I think it is just MSN that does that graphic junk. I've never seen
AIM or ICQ do anything out-of-the-ordinary with emoticons. It is just
up to the client to render ":-)" with a graphic, if it wants to.
| If you would live in Belgium I would let you try to convince some of
| my friens of using simple native language text instead of those
| emoticons, you would probably fail...
| >| [...]
| >| >| Once again, maybe this sounds strange to you, but people really kick
| >on | >| emoticons. It's like "programs don't have to be usefull, they have
| >to be | >| cool". I'm almost sure I can convince my sister just like that
| >if a | >| client would have cool emoticons.
| >| >
| >| >If you want to make a jabber client that does funny graphics with
| >| >certain text strings, go ahead. I like eb's and gabber's non-support
| >| >of graphical smileys. Exodus (a windows client) has graphical smiley
| >| >support, but if you're using win98 you need to fix it (windows, that
| >| >is).
| >|
| >| Sorry, for the next 2-3 months I really won't have the time. And I
| >| personally think there are already enough Jabber clients. I know Exodus
| >| has emoticons but they are MSN emoticons :(
| >
| >Is ":(" an MSN emoticon? I thought those were universally understood
| >and come from the days before computers could handle graphics.
| Euhm, where did I say that ":(" is a typical MSN emoticon??
You said (paraphrased) "exodus' emoticons are msn's emoticons".
Exodus treats ":(", ":)", etc, as emoticons, just like the other IM
programs I've used that did any graphic rendering. It doesn't get
'=p' though.
Hmm, now I see what you mean -- if I send (l) or (e) to exodus it
renders with a graphic. Ugh.
| "hax0rs can do all the nasty munging they want with their _names_, but
| real hackers use _full names_" ;-p you don't keep up your principles ...
My friends gave me this name years ago, before I had heard about UNIX
and before I started programming. Those friends are not computer
geeks at all, either. My given name isn't very hidden anyways, google
can find it fairly easily :-).
| (sorry for my bad English)
No real problem.
As long as the odd graphics and weird text mangling stays off my
screen, I don't care what else you do with them. As you're trying to
devise a text mangling scheme for these emoticons, don't forget that
some people use IM systems to discuss coding or computer usage. I
really hate it when AIM (where most of my friends on IM are) destroys
lines of shell commands that contain '<' or '>'. At least exodus
doesn't have _that_ problem. If someone (not me) has a coding style
of :
j = func (i) ;
exodus and msn will be really bad for communication!
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