[JDEV] Leaving proprietary systems for what they are

Mattias Campe mattias.campe at rug.ac.be
Wed Apr 17 18:57:02 CDT 2002


I sometimes read in posts (like e.g. on 
http://www.jabbercentral.org/polls/results.php?poll_id=1015995663 ) that 
  Jabber should leave all those proprietaty systems for what they are 
and focus a lot more on building good server software and good client 

I can only agree to that! I tried to convince some of my (Windows-) 
friends to "convert" to Jabber, but its very hard because they expect a 
client as good as MSN and ICQ (although I personally find ICQ really 
really overfeatured). They even liked it more when Jabber runs *next to* 
MSN and ICQ than that Jabber runs MSN/ICQ.

What Jabber first needs is being know to a lot of people (developers 
especially) and once Jabber is known to a lot of people it will be plain 
  sailing. Of course how could Jabber be known to a lot of people? I 
personally thought:

- Linux distributions. E.g. SuSe gives manuals with their sold 
distribution if they could have a chapter on "Jabber and IM" that would 
be great. (sorry, I actually took this idea actually from another post, 
this idea belongs to Dave ;-) )

- Big focus on Windows systems: although I should want it to be 
different a lot of people use Windows (I sometimes do too).

- Magazines (than the Jabber community would has to have a good client, 
see "[JDEV] How should a good client have to look like"?

- Emoticons: see "[JDEV] Emoticons: guidelines"

- ... : does sb. else have good thoughts?

Of course this text is from my point of view, that's why I would like to 
have yours to...

aka (c)obnet


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