[JDEV] MSN Transport problem with <x> tags
Julian Fitzell
julian-ml at beta4.com
Wed Sep 19 01:25:32 CDT 2001
So looking in message.c it's quite clear that the code is written assuming that <x> and <body> do not appear together in one message... is this a rule? The protocol spec is unclear on this but if it is then JabberIM is breaking it.
On 18/09/2001 at 9:01 PM Julian Fitzell wrote:
>So my girlfriend is using JabberIM whereas I am using WinJab... for some
>reason, she is unable to send messages to people through the MSN
>transport. She can receive them and send and receive presence.
>So I started looking at the log files for the transport and noticed that
>her messages included <x> tags indicating that she was replying but mine
>So her messages look like:
><message id='jim_id_49' to='jfitzell79%hotmail.com at msn.beta4.com'
>xmlns='jabber:x:event'><composing/></x><thread>105AEB7D1248ED7BD3A69A0F42551BDF</thread><body>test message</body></message>
>I tried sending this with the Raw XML tool of WinJab and it didn't work,
>but if I remove the <x> tag, it works just fine.
>This is with the MSN Transport from CVS... Has anyone else seen this
>problem or know how to fix it?
>The relevant section from the log file is as follows:
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:613 mio while loop, working
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:750 MIO read from socket 7: <message
>id='jim_id_49' to='jfitzell79%hotmail.com at msn.beta4.com' type='chat'
>from='sarah at jabber.beta4.com/Home'><x
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 base_connect.c:118 process XML: m:8170E88
>state:3, arg:80CE0B0, x:817D028
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 deliver.c:460 DELIVER 1:msn.beta4.com <message
>id='jim_id_49' to='jfitzell79%hotmail.com at msn.beta4.com' type='chat'
>from='sarah at jabber.beta4.com/Home'><x
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 deliver.c:651 delivering to instance
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:1032 mio_write called on x: 0 buffer: MSG
>5 U 96
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
>TypeingUser: sarahyoung79 at hotmail.com
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:600 mio while loop top
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:613 mio while loop, working
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:275 write_dump writing data: MSG 5 U 96
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
>TypeingUser: sarahyoung79 at hotmail.com
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:600 mio while loop top
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:613 mio while loop, working
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:750 MIO read from socket 12: MSG
>sarahyoung79 at hotmail.com Sarah 96
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
>TypeingUser: sarahyoung79 at hotmail.com
>Tue Sep 18 20:38:35 2001 mio.c:600 mio while loop top
>a successful message results in something like:
>Tue Sep 18 20:37:32 2001 mio.c:275 write_dump writing data: MSG 7 U 127
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Sans%20Serif; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
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