[JDEV] Pooled users/groups?

Brian Lalor blalor at hcirisc.cs.binghamton.edu
Wed Nov 7 15:38:49 CST 2001

I may have a solution, and I don't even think it will require that much 
coding.  It should be fairly trivial to set up a component/transport that 
would be able to handle this.  If a component is set up with the id 
"pool.hostname", then it will receive requests for anything at pool.hostname.  
anything could be the pooled group and will act like a gateway'd (like 
AIM) user and can have presence.  It would be up to the component to 
handle the routing of messages to individual JIDs.

Damn, Jabber is so cool!  I discovered that this is possible thanks to DJ 
and mallum and the wonderful jabberpy <http://sf.net/projects/jabberpy/> 
which has component support in CVS.

If I get around to implementing this, I'll throw it back to the community.


B r i a n  L a l o r                         blalor at hcirisc.cs.binghamton.edu
http://hcirisc.cs.binghamton.edu/~blalor     Spam me not.
   To get my pgp key, put "get pgp key" in the subject of your message

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