[JDEV] Bug with peer resources going offline?

Peter Millard me at pgmillard.com
Mon Nov 5 17:30:35 CST 2001

Max -

I've seen this on many occasions w/ the .org server.. I think it may have
been addressed in the mod_presence work that jer has done for the 1.4.2

Peter M.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Max Horn" <max at quendi.de>
To: <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 2:06 PM
Subject: [JDEV] Bug with peer resources going offline?

> It seems that under some circumstance, when I am online on a single
> account with multiple resources, the "peer" resources are sent
> <presence> of each peer properly - except when one peer resource just
> disconnects. In this case, there seems to be no <presence
> type="unavailable"/> sent to the other resources...
> A bug or a feature?
> Max
> --
> -----------------------------------------------
> Max Horn
> Software Developer
> email: <mailto:max at quendi.de>
> phone: (+49) 6151-494890
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