[JDEV] Request for comments on system using jabber

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Fri May 25 13:09:58 CDT 2001

On Friday, May 25, 2001, at 09:31 AM, Thomas Charron wrote:

> Look at it this way.  You don't see any large companies handling their
> email routing by setting up Outlook Express with a crapload of delivery
> rules.  You have an entire email 'system' for handling them.

That's not the right analogy! The right one is "does a mailing list 
server have to be its own SMTP server or can it just connect to an SMTP 
server the way a mail client would". The answer is that, while many 
listservs support direct SMTP, it's optional. It does help in some areas 
like handling bounces, but it isn't a requirement even for large-scale 

In the IM bot realm, the existence of ActiveBuddy <www.activeBuddy.com> 
disproves your argument. Since their bots are available on today's 
monolithic IM systems like AIM and Yahoo, they are obviously not running 
their own servers since those services don't support multiple servers. 
Their bots log into AIM or Yahoo just like a client (and that raises the 
interesting question of why AOL isn't trying to block them. Perhaps they 
have some kind of special deal.)

I agree with you that there are copious implementation reasons to 
implement a bot as a transport given the current server; but there are 
no architectural reasons to (and reasons against it, as I listed 

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