[JDEV] Getting a 404 trying to create a chat room with jabber:iq:conference

David Waite dwaite at jabber.com
Thu May 17 15:40:44 CDT 2001

Jens Alfke wrote:

> On Thursday, May 17, 2001, at 11:54 AM, David Waite wrote:
> > Please keep in mind that the generic conferencing stuff is not done, and
> > some
> > things (like the jabber:iq:conference namespace) will probably change
> > dramatically between the first draft and the final product.
> >
> >
> OK, I guess I've been assuming it's "done enough" since it's implemented in
> the current production build of the server.
> At this point would you recommend that clients continue to use the old
> groupchat protocol instead, until the new protocol settles down? (I have
> some #ifdefs in my code to support either one, but haven't tried out the
> oldstyle support yet.)

I'm still working away on a new draft of the protocol. Hopefully I'll have
something to publish this weekend, even if I don't have an implementation for
people to hit.

The big changes will be to room creation and room entry. I plan to still use
the same iq:browse mechanism for nickname mapping. I wouldn't recommend
shipping a product based on the drafts, but you shouldn't lose work with
future drafts.

> If so, I never got an answer to my earlier question about how you create a
> chatroom with the old protocol. Do you just send presence to the address of
> the room you want to create?

In 1.0, presence is sent to room at conference.server/nickname to join. If that
room doesn't exist, it is created. There is no way to test if a room exists,
and there is no way to specify additional parameters for joining (such as a
room password).

-David Waite

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