[JDEV] Getting a 404 trying to create a chat room with jabber:iq:conference

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Thu May 17 15:13:02 CDT 2001

On Thursday, May 17, 2001, at 11:54 AM, David Waite wrote:

> Please keep in mind that the generic conferencing stuff is not done, 
> and some
> things (like the jabber:iq:conference namespace) will probably change
> dramatically between the first draft and the final product.

OK, I guess I've been assuming it's "done enough" since it's implemented 
in the current production build of the server.

At this point would you recommend that clients continue to use the old 
groupchat protocol instead, until the new protocol settles down? (I have 
some #ifdefs in my code to support either one, but haven't tried out the 
oldstyle support yet.)

If so, I never got an answer to my earlier question about how you create 
a chatroom with the old protocol. Do you just send presence to the 
address of the room you want to create?

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