[JDEV] Newbie

Bill Farrell billfarr at ages.com
Mon May 7 10:25:09 CDT 2001

This message got rejected first-time-through for length, so I'll bust it up.
Thanks in advance!

Wow, what a warm response!  Thanks, everyone!  I'm sure there's a config
problem somewhere, but darned if I can spot it.  Again, JUD snapped right in
just like the docs said it would.  I would really like to get conferencing
going if at all possible.  The AIM and ICQ transports can come in their time
(AIM transport failed to compile no matter what...)

In the interest of completeness, please forgive a really, really long email.
I *think* I understand most of the configuration (what's one more tagged
language amongst 500 others :-))).  What I don't understand is the reasoning
behind having different host names for each service.  I hope I completely
misunderstood that necessity, but it does seem odd and unusual.  Being a
good Borglet, I complied (see the DNS stuff below).

Y'all, I really, really appreciate the quick and numerous responses and
offer thanks in advance for the help.  Sometimes a second pair of eyes is
all ya need . . .

Best regards,

---------------------  Various Configs Follow -------------------------

----------- The External DNS Config -----------

ns1:/var/named # cat compuphrase.net
@       600     IN      SOA     ns1.compuphrase.net. admin.ilbfu.net. (
                        2001050401 ; serial
                        3600 ; refresh
                        900 ; retry
                        1209600 ; expire
                        43200 ; default_ttl
@       600     IN      MX      5       mail.compuphrase.net.
@       600     IN      NS      ns1.compuphrase.net.
www     600     IN      A
www     600     IN      A
wwa     600     IN      A
wwb     600     IN      A
;  Jabber "domains"
jabber          600     IN      A
conference      600     IN      CNAME   jabber
jud             600     IN      CNAME   jabber
icqreflect      600     IN      CNAME   jabber

-----------  The jabber.xml File -----------

  This is the Jabber server configuration file. The file is 
  broken into different sections based on the services being 
  managed by jabberd, the server daemon. Most of the important 
  sections have comments and are easy to modify. You can find
  full instructions in the server howto, which is available at
  http://docs.jabber.org/. Note that when you see a tag like 
  "jabberd:cmdline", it's automatically replaced on startup 
  with the command line flag passed in to jabberd. This enables
  you to override parameters set in this configuration file if 
  necessary or desired. Also note as you comment things in and
  out that jabberd does not like comments within comments, so
  be careful with your XML. :)
  <service id="sessions">

    Change hostname below to something other than "localhost", 
    i.e., to the hostname or IP address of your Jabber server. 
    Multiple <host/> entries are allowed - each one is for a 
    separate virtual server. Note that each host entry must 
    be on one line, the server doesn't like it otherwise! :)

    <host><jabberd:cmdline flag="h">localhost</jabberd:cmdline></host>

    <jsm xmlns="jabber:config:jsm">


      <!-- The server vCard -->

        <FN>Jabber Server</FN>
        <DESC>compuphrase Jabber Server</DESC>

      <register notify="yes">
		Choose a username and password to register with this server.
		You can choose any handle you like so long as it's not
already taken.

        <body>Welcome to the Jabber server at jabber.compuphrase.net -- we
hope you enjoy this service! For information about how to use Jabber, visit
the Jabber User's Guide at http://docs.jabber.org/</body>




        <service type="jud" jid="users.jabber.org" name="Jabber User

<!-- The local "JUD" transport" -->

         <service type="jud" jid="jud.compuphrase.net" name="Compuphrase
Jabber User Directory">

<!-- The local Public Chat Rooms -->

	<conference type="public" jid="conference.compuphrase.net"

<!-- The local ICQ Transport -->

        <service type="icq" jid="icqreflect.compuphrase.net"
                <!-- <ns>jabber:iq:search></ns> -->



    The following section dynamically loads the individual
    modules that make up the session manager. Remove or 
    comment out modules to disable them. Note that the order
    of modules is important, since packets are delivered 
    based on the following order!!

    <load main="jsm">


  <!-- OK, we've finished defining the Jabber Session Manager. -->

  <!-- The <xdb/> component handles all data storage, using the filesystem.

  <xdb id="xdb">
    <xdb_file xmlns="jabber:config:xdb_file">
      <spool><jabberd:cmdline flag='s'>./spool</jabberd:cmdline></spool>

  <service id="c2s">
    <pthcsock xmlns='jabber:config:pth-csock'>

      Use these to listen on particular addresses and/or ports.
      <ip port="5222"></ip>
      <ip port="5222"/>

      The <ssl/> tag acts pretty much like the <ip/> tag,
      except it defines that SSL is to be used on the 
      ports and IP addresses specified. You must specify
      an IP address here, or the connections will fail.
      <ssl port='5223'></ssl>
      <ssl port='5224'></ssl>


  This is the default server error logging component, 
  which copies to a file and to STDERR. 

  <log id='elogger'>
    <format>%d: [%t] (%h): %s</format>

  This is the default server record logging component, 
  which logs general statistical/tracking data. 

  <log id='rlogger'>
    <format>%d %h %s</format>

  <!-- The following two services are for handling server-to-server traffic.

  <!-- External asychronous DNS resolver -->

  <service id="dnsrv">
    <dnsrv xmlns="jabber:config:dnsrv">
    	<resend service="_jabber._tcp">s2s</resend> <!-- for supporting SRV
records -->

  <service id="s2s">
    <dialback xmlns='jabber:config:dialback'>
      <!-- Use these to listen on particular addresses and/or ports.
      <ip port="7000"/>
      <ip port="5269"></ip>
      <ip port="5269"/>

<!-- the local JUD definition -->
	<service id="jud.compuphrase.net">
	  <jud xmlns="jabber:config:jud">
	      <FN>Private User Directory</FN>
	      <DESC>This is the ILBFU/compuphrase JUD directory

<!-- the ICQ transport -->
    <service id="icqreflect.compuphrase.net">

            <icqtrans xmlns="jabber:config:icqtrans">
                            Please enter your ICQ number (in the "username"
                            nickname, and password.  If you want to create a
                            ICQ number, leave the "username" field blank.
<!-- commenting-out made zero difference
                    <search>Search for ICQ users</search>
                            <FN>ICQ Transport</FN>
                            <DESC>Transport to connect with ICQ</DESC>





<!-- Chatroom Transport -->

<service id="conference.compuphrase.net">


	<conference xmlns="jabber:config:conference">

			<FN>Compuphrase Public Chatrooms</FN>
			<DESC>Find a buddy in the Compuphrase Public


			<join> is now logged into Jabber.</join>
			<leave> has left the Jabber system.</leave>
			<rename> is now known as </rename>

		<room jid="help at conference.compuphrase.net">
			<name>Assistance Zone</name>

		<room jid="admin at conference.compuphrase.net">
			<name>Adminz only</name>
				<join> just rocks!</join>
				<leave> gets lost</leave>
				<rename> is now known as </rename>

		<room jid="greens at conference.compuphrase.net">
			<name>Broward Green Party</name>
				<join> just joined.</join>
				<leave> just left.</leave>
				<rename> takes the handle </rename>

		<room jid="celtic at conference.compuphrase.net">
			<name>Celtic Music and Resources</name>
				<join> just joined.</join>
				<leave> just strolled away.</leave>
				<rename> feels it is more important to be
known as </rename>


  The following <io/> config initializes the top-level
  I/O, otherwise known as MIO (Managed Input/Output).


    <!-- Set the default karma for *all* sockets -->

    <rate points="5" time="25"/>


  This specifies the file to store the pid of the process in.


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