[JDEV] Yahoo Transport and Proxy

Brazell, Bill bill.brazell at attws.com
Mon May 7 10:11:18 CDT 2001

Does anyone know if the Yahoo transport can be configured for use with a
HTTP proxy server?

Judging by this snippet from yahoolib.c, it looks like it might:

/* Fill in any available info */
        tmp->user = strdup(user);
        tmp->password = strdup(password);
        if (options->proxy_host)
                tmp->proxy_host = strdup(options->proxy_host);
        tmp->proxy_port = options->proxy_port;
        tmp->connect_mode = options->connect_mode;

I can't figure out how to "Fill in" the proxy host and port.  I would guess
that the parameters could be passed from the jabber.xml file where the
service is invoked, but don't know the parameters.  Anyone know how to do
this, or if it can be done?


Bill Brazell

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