[JDEV] Off-Topic: XML help wanted

Flint Hoskins FHoskins at jabber.com
Fri May 4 15:05:49 CDT 2001

Probably the hardest part of all that is getting the database to spit ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: Captain Video! [mailto:Scott_Kirvan at yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:09 PM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: [JDEV] Off-Topic: XML help wanted

Greetings All,

I apologize if it's inappropriate to post this here.  It's not spam, I'm
just trying to help a friend out who's looking for a programmer with
some specific skills.

My JabID is CaptainVideo at jabber.org - I'm not developing for jabber or
anything like that, but I lurk on this list and in the jdev conference.
You are all doing some really awesome work.  Thanx.

Now for the off-topic topic:  A friend of mine dropped me an email
yesterday looking for some programming help - He's looking for an XML /
XSL experienced programmer and asked if I knew anyone.  I told him I
didn't know anyone personally, but I knew about this list full of gurus
and that we could perhaps locate someone for him  :-)

So, here's the deal as I understand it - everything's a bit hush, hush,
so at the moment I don't have all the info myself:

What's needed is a freelance XML / XSL experienced programmer for doing
some website backend stuff ASAP.

The job is for a record company.

The project was described as "large in scale" with the following needs::

"Back-end programming to make the site functional.  Specifically,
integrating costomer-driven database backended system seamlessly
so that everything appears in HTML to
the consumer, but has the strength of XML (if I understand it correctly)
style-sheets transform the XML data into HTML pages. XSL style-sheets
therefore serve as page templates. For example, a single XSL style-sheet
serve as the templates for hundreds of artist pages on a single site."].

I.E., having the tour database spit into the artist's site the tour info
the relevant spot of the template, etc.  Also, there would be a "mailing
function to update fans on auto-pilot."

"It is highly recommended, although not mandatory, that the Vendor also
deep knowledge of the following:
* JHTML/Java
* Oracle (for custom applications)
* Doubleclick Ad Server
* Ultraseek Search Engine
* Streaming Media formats (Real, Win, Quicktime) "

The first part of the description sounds like a simple stylesheet /
design issue, but my guess is that the actual job entails connecting the
clients dynamic database of content to a website - via cgi / php / SQL /
etc. / whatever.

The Project bid/Proposal is due very soon. Back end work would probably
start in a
month or so and go for at least three months.  It could be bid as an
contractor, or if you are associated with a contracting company,
the bid could go under their name.  The client contracting the job to
you would be the independent
contractor for the design portion of the project.

That's all I have for info on the gig.  Initial contact is to be handled
through kevin @ kander208 at hotmail.com - That email address will only be
valid for about a day or so as they are looking to move on this quickly.

Thanx.   sk....

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