[JDEV] UTF-8 MIME format

권일환 jamester at rmi.co.kr
Wed Jan 31 09:07:21 CST 2001

Dear all.

After a day worth of trouble, I finally got msn transport working.
But... one more problem.
Since I am in Korea, it is natuarl to write messages in Korean between jabber client and msn client.
However, all Korean texts are unreadable.

MSN protocol spec 1.0 specifies that msn clients understand the messages encoded in UTF-8 format as long as MIME header speficies that. I understand jabber can have messages in MIME format, too.
I am using WinJab which uses JabberCom.
Does anyone know the problem I am having is due to JabberCom's not handling MIME format correctly and this sort of problem will go away once I write new client?
Or, should I play with msn transport to encode and decode messages from and to UTF-8 format?
Any pointers?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


-James kwon  
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