[JDEV] Re: Jabber wish-list

Michael Wilson mwilson at myopenapps.com
Fri Jan 26 04:35:53 CST 2001

Dave Smith wrote:
>> Anyway, is this functionality in or soon to appear in Jabber?
> I would think it would be easier to simply setup a way to interface
> anonymously (i.e. no account generation) with Jabber. Maybe this
> is what you're already talking about, but IIRC, there used to be
> talk of permitting "anonymous" messaging with Jabber -- of course,
> presence wouldn't work, but that's not important with this particular
> application...

Anonymous logons would be handy but they're pretty trivial to simulate
from the client anyway (generate random password, add a hotmail-type
number to the end of the username and increment it by random quantities
until the registration succeeds). The capability to redirect incoming
customers to a pool of people waiting to handle them is the key
feature we need from the server. The ability to stop customers talking
to each other directly and stop them from talking to arbitarty CSAs
unless they've been explicitly transferred is also pretty essential.

| Michael Wilson               "Smart Applications - Tools for life"
| Java Developer                           available @              
| Insight ASP LTD                   http://www.myopenapps.com       
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