solution (Was Re: [JDEV] Problem getting aim-transport to compile on red hat 6.2)
David Waite
dwaite at
Fri Jan 12 16:32:47 CST 2001
I actually ran into this wednesday - it appears that the libetherx included in
the dists/aim-transport directory for 0.8.5 is an old version, not compatible
with the 1.2 release. Grab libetherx from the cvs dir (or directly from CVS) to
build it. You will need the various automake tools to do this.
-David Waite
Mickey Yalon wrote:
> Okay, I know that the have been a number of similiar posts to
> this list, resulting in a bunch of different advice for this specific
> problem. I know becuase I've looked at them all and none of the
> advice works.. I've been banging my head against this for more than
> a day now to no avail and would appreciate any help.
> Here's the problem.
> I compile jabber-1.2 on an x86 system running redhat 6.2
> with out any problems (this was much smoother that previous builds :)
> I then downloaded the latest version of the aim-transport 0.8.5 and after
> compiling and installing its dependencies libethererx-1.2 and libfaim-snap
> without a hitch I try to install the aim transport.
> The config script runs through fine but when I run make I get the following
> error:
> /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -o aimtrans
> -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -static -ljabber -letherx - lxode auth.o
> buddies.o external.o iq.o main.o messages.o parser.o pres.o register.o
> s10n.o sessions.o utils.o unknown.o -lfaim -ljabber -letherx -lpth
> gcc -g -O2 -o aimtrans -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -ljabber -letherx
> -lxode auth.o buddies.o external.o iq.o main.o messages.o parser.o pres.o
> register.o s10n.o sessions.o utils.o unknown.o -lfaim -ljabber -letherx
> -lpth
> /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pool_label'
> so it looks like libetherx is trying to reference 'pool_label' which it can
> not find,
> according to previous responses this is most likely due to a conflicting
> older
> version of libetherx on the system or an old version of libfaim, however
> this was a clean OS install that never had jabber on it before and to the
> best of my
> knowledge I have the latest version of libfaim... I tried reverting back to
> previos versions
> of every library but this didn't help at all, so now I'm stuck and could use
> your help.
> Thanks,
> Mickey
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