[JDEV] IRC Transport

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Tue Sep 19 14:00:54 CDT 2000

Quoting Robin Elliott Stevenson <robinste at fc.hp.com>:
> Thanks again, Thomas.  I am running my jserver on a Linux box, and I
> performed an apt-get install on pidentd from Debian which created a user
> called identd, the /etc/identd.conf file and put the following line in my
> inetd.conf:
>   ident  stream  tcp  wait  identd  /usr/sbin/identd  identd
> I restarted inetd.  But I'm still getting the same debug messages.

Hrm..  From that same machine, can you use irc to connect to that same server?  
The debug messages look like the irc server is disconnecting you, not the irc 
transport itself..

Thomas Charron
<< Wanted: One decent sig >>
<< Preferably litle used  >>
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