[JDEV] Diffs for changes to jabberd

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Tue Sep 19 13:43:14 CDT 2000

  I just made these changes to pthsock_server and pthsock_client, and here's 
the cvs diff for the pthsock directory.  These changes where to fix a spelling 
mistake in pthsock_client, and to add to the capability of pthsock_server to 
listen and connect to nonstandard ports.  In my case, I'm monkeying with 
jabberd on the same machine as jserver is running, so I had to ensure different 
port usage.  This patch gives the ability to basically tell the server to 
listen on, and connect to, other ports beside's 5269.  In my case, 6269.

  As part of this, the pthsock_serv needs to look like this:

  <service id="pthsock server to server manager">
    <pthssock xmlns='jabberd:pth-ssock:config'>

  Notice the addition of a pthsock configuration section, including a listen 
parameter.  ;-P

Thomas Charron
<< Wanted: One decent sig >>
<< Preferably litle used  >>
<< and stored in garage.  ?>>
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