[JDEV] IRC Transport

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Tue Sep 19 10:19:36 CDT 2000

Quoting Robin Elliott Stevenson <robinste at fc.hp.com>:
> I have installed and started the IRC transport on my jserver, but when I
> try
> to join a group #jabber%irc.linux.com, I get an "Invalid Groupchat
> Protocol"
> error.
> Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

  You grabbed the latest CVS version, didn't you..  ;-P  The current CVS 
version has been updated to the new groupchat protocol, and will not work with 
existing clients, unless they support the 'new' version of the protocol.  You'd 
have to pull it from a month or two ago.  I can't remember the syntax to do 
this from CVS offhand, but I'm sure others can fill you in on this one.  I 
believe, IIRC, it'd be like cvs co -D "07/01/2000" irc-transport.  
Unfortionatly, no one ever changed the tag from OnedotOh to like TwodotOh, so 
the only thing you can go by is the date.

Thomas Charron
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<< Preferably litle used  >>
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