[JDEV] SegFault on Linux/Alpha when contacting update.jabber.org

Konrad Podloucky konrad at pelimbert.tssc.univie.ac.at
Fri May 26 13:49:10 CDT 2000

Hi there!

First of all, I want to apologize if this is a known problem,
but I've hunted through the mailing-list archives and bugtracker
and haven't found anything related.

My first question is: Why does jserv want to contact
update.jabber.org? And is there a way to prevent that, without
having to hack the source?

Then the real problem:
when started jserv runs fine for quite a while and then suddenly
segfaults, just after having resolved the hostname for
update.jabber.org. When I change the sources, so that he tries
to contact some other host, it works. Does somebody know what's
going on here? I've attached the debugging output from the
server. I just wanted to check with you guys, to find out if
this is a known issue, before I start hardcore debugging (for
which I currently lack time).

Well, thanx in advance for any advice, and keep up the good work!


  .~.   Konrad Podloucky    <konrad at pelimbert.tssc.univie.ac.at> 
  /V\                  Running GNU/Linux 2.2.15 on an Alpha
 // \\  GnuPG/PGP-key available by request  
/(   )\ "To those not knowing the letter A, it might just be 
 ^^-^^   three sticks lying on the ground." W.Pooh
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