[JDEV] Jabberd API documentation

Keith Minkler keith at digix.dyndns.org
Wed Dec 20 01:57:49 CST 2000


I just completed the Jabberd API documentation (for jabberd 1.3/1.4)  It's temporarily up at http://www.minkler.org/jabberd and will be on docs.jabber.org soon.. (the sgml is there, i just didn't know how to gen the html file for it.. so there is a link for it, but it's broken)

This will help out any component developers, or would-be component developers.  Any comments/fixes would be greatly apreciated..

You may also get the sgml doc by grabbing docs.jabber.org out of jabber.org's CVS (it's in the libs folder)

Enjoy, and Merry X-Mas!

Keith Minkler
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