[JDEV] server configuration help

Arnon Kaufman arnon_kaufman at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 5 06:02:31 CST 2000

hi all,

I'm trying to bring up the following architecture:

     client1       client3
     |             |

I was able to bring up each machine separately. 
Client1 and client2 recognized each other and have had
access to the jud, works great. but I was no able to
do the same with client1 and client3. there are two
separate issues: 

1.	message forwarding between the servers. Do I need
to add an extra <host> entry in the jabber.xml for the
second server? both servers are well known through the
local DNS server.

2.	how to use the jud from both of the servers. Do I
need an LDAP for that matter? 

3.	I have an adns install on the jabberd1 needed by
the jud, it recognizes both of the machines.

BTW when bring jabberd1 down by CTRL-C the jud core

thanks in advance
Arnon kaufman

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