[JDEV] Route tag spec proposal..

Jon A. Cruz joncruz at geocities.com
Mon Oct 11 12:16:48 CDT 1999

Thomas Charron wrote:

> (Scott, I made some more changes and sent the whole forking thing to the list..)
>   Ok, after looking and talking with Scott, here's what I ironed out..
>   After I will go thru roughly what it all means..
>   <node id="jabber:jabbertransport://jabber.org/" received="19991004T23:35:54"
> sent="19991005T06:35:55" timezone = "CST">

> with the action things breaking it down further.  Also notice the 'timezone'
> tag.  If present, all times within this node's entries will be in that
> timezones offset.  IF IT IS NOT PRESENT, all times will be GMT.

OK. This use would be the wrong way to use timezone. All times themselves should
always be in GMT. Only timezone itself would change. Also, it should include an
offset so that aribrary clients don't need to keep an up to date database on all
the world's timezones.

It should be something more like:

  <node id="jabber:jabbertransport://jabber.org/" received="19991004T23:35:54"
sent="19991005T06:35:55" timezone = "-0700 (PDT)">


  <node id="jabber:jabbertransport://jabber.org/" received="19991004T23:35:54"
sent="19991005T06:35:55" timeoffset="-0700" timezone = "PDT">

Here are my clarifications. Note the distintion between 'must' and 'should'.

1) All times must be transmitted in GMT.
2) A timezone should be included
3) A timezone must include it's hours offset from GMT.
4) A timezone should include a letter designation, if known.

"My new computer's got the clocks, it rocks
But it was obsolete before I opened the box" - W.A.Y.

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