[JDEV] Buddy Lists as a communications hub

Edwards, Jim jim.edwards at intel.com
Wed Oct 6 11:38:19 CDT 1999

Yes, I am indeed.  ILC actually has nothing to do with buddy lists.
It can augment buddy lists and presence based applications to identify
common apps and protocols installed on 2 or more systems and then perform
launching and connecting of those apps in a highly flexible and coordinated
The actual protocol is two way so that the connection process is reliably
coordinated between the endpoints. There are all sorts of boundary
conditions that simple solutions
would probably not handle.  You are right that just about anything could be
done via messages, but then again that holds true of any internet protocol.
If you look at the scenarios doc, I think you'll see that there is little
more to the technology than what you have described below.  Anyway, my main
motivation in bringing the capability up is to highlight how much richer
communications could be done once presence info is available.

Just a few corrections:
- ILC is peer to peer, it does not communicate with a server, but it could
be proxied via a server for security/privacy reason.
- ILC does not use a buddy list.  It can be integrated in with a buddy list
to extend the communication capabilities way beyond 2-way chat and instant
messaging.  Think IP telephones, games, etc.  It could just as well be
into an IP telephone to enable game launching between 2 or more talking
- ILC could indeed use a message based transport. That is not the inherent
of it.  It's the capabilities and semantics, the problems it solves, etc.

Jim Edwards

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Charron [mailto:tcharron at ductape.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 6:51 PM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: Re: [JDEV] Buddy Lists as a communications hub

Quoting "Edwards, Jim" <jim.edwards at intel.com>:
> I'd like to suggest that in the future, presence may
> be an enabling technology for much richer communication experiences -
> communications that go way beyond simple instant messaging.  For one
> possible approach see http://developer.intel.com/ial/ilc/.  Note:
> this is not a pitch for the technology found at the URL, just perhaps
> a direction for future work beyond basic presence and instant
> messaging.

  Jim..  The technology Intel is using in ILC is fairly basic.  I could,
now, right a simply C based API that could be used in conjunction with a
server to relay exactly the same type of information that the Launch and 
Connect system is using.  If they are using something groundbreaking, I
don't see it..  It's simply a client API that can be used to communicate
with a 
server and other clients.  Instant messaging is just that.  ANY data can be
message, be it human readble or not.  Heck, as part of JNX, we have a system

that can detect logged 'security' concerns over an entire server farm, and
them in one primary location.  It's simply not that hard to do.  Simply put,
far as I can see, ILC is simply a hardcoded client that uses a buddy list on
server, and exchanges data with it..

  I'm also curiouse.  You happen to share that same 9 character domain, 
Intel.com.  Are you involved with this project in any way?

Thomas Charron
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