[JDEV] Message timestamping and route tracking

Scott Robinson quad at jabber.org
Mon Oct 4 20:42:14 CDT 1999

Oy! A simple discussion on timestamp format turns into routing issues. (the
following suggestions are in an unposted proposal) We obviously are to damn

In my Jabber message extensions, I suggested each transport a message passed
through attach both a received and sent timestamps as well as basic
transport information. These were placed within a <route/> wrapper with
<transport/> as the enumeration element.


<to>jer at jabber.org</to>
<from>scott at pager.mot.com</to>
<say>SuperJoe'ian foolish test!</say>
  <transport id="jabber:pagertransport://pager.mot.com/"
             received="Mon,  4 Oct 1999 18:35:52 -0700"
             sent="Mon,  4 Oct 1999 18:35:54 -0700">
  Motorola Two-Way Paging Service
  <transport id="jabber:jabbertransport://jabber.org/"
             received="Mon, 4 Oct 1999 20:35:54 -0500"
             sent="Mon, 4 Oct 1999 20:35:55 -0500"
  Jabbertransport at Jabber.org! "Make 'em talk, sarge!"


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