[JDEV] charsets (was: Protocol extension?)

Jon A. Cruz joncruz at geocities.com
Fri Jul 30 12:12:19 CDT 1999

"Thomas D. Charron" wrote:

>   Err, I think I missed a point or two here..  Language = profile, but charset = protocol/client/etc.  Let's not get confused here..  Once you can support the charset, the 'puters could care less what language your speaking..

Not quite. If you are supporting a charset, it could still be interpreted several different ways. One example off the top of my head is Japanese & chinese. In many places they both use the same characters, but draw them slightly
differently. Often they get quite irratated if their Japanese word shows up in a Chinese font and vice versa. Japanese users tend to prefer Japanese fonts for their stuff, Chinese users tend to prefer Chinese fonts for theirs,
and they both hate the 'Unified' fonts.

Doing that to them would be similar to running all British users's messages through a checker that converted "colour'  to 'color', 'lift' to 'elevator', etc. Culturally insensitive.

"My new computer's got the clocks, it rocks
But it was obsolete before I opened the box" - W.A.Y.

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