[JDEV] date, encoding

Thomas D. Charron tcharron at my-deja.com
Fri Jul 30 07:02:28 CDT 1999

  I would have to agree..  encoding data has always been an attribute to a tag, not a tag in and on itself..  That is why different peices of data using different charsets can be contained within the same document..
Thomas Charron

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 09:44:06   Lindsay.Marshall wrote:
>> Dave beat me to the punch on the encoding. pass encoding (I still think it'd
>> work better as a tag rather than an attribute?). And then leave it up to the
>> client as to whether or not it cares about/can handle it. As long it gets
>> passed along in an 8-bit format, right?
>No, no, no, it is an attribute *not* a tag! You can have an encpoding
>attribute on any tag that has CDATA. Other wise you then having to
>allow embedding of the <encoding> tag inside anythign with CDATA. An
>attribute is much simpler.

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