Jeremie jeremie at jabber.org
Tue Aug 10 02:43:54 CDT 1999

As I'm catching up on some things here, I've still got a good deal more to
do.  Here is a really rough draft for what's going on this week in the
world of Jabber:

Teams: finishing fleshing out many of the team sites with more complete
"charters" and selecting team administrators. (this is where the bulk of
the work is at yet, creating various proposals for various teams,
security, lib, mozilla, personal, etc...)

CVS: creating repositories for the existing 0.6 codebase under various
teams and getting work underway for 0.7.

Projects: fixing jabber.org to display the boxes for clients, transports,
and modules, and adding in those projects under the correct teams.

After some of this is further along, I'll be creating a "Global Status"
for the entire Jabber project to take a look at where were at and what's
planned for the near and far future.


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