Thomas D. Charron tcharron at my-deja.com
Mon Aug 9 11:56:55 CDT 1999

  Understood, but here's another example..  A user get's disconnected half way thru a file transfer..  ;-P
Thomas Charron

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999 12:50:31    Tim Lesher wrote:
>>   And while I'm on that topic, client-to-client transfers suffer one minor
>problems..  What happens when a client starts a client-to-client conneciton,
>and then throttles them with data..  The servers can filter out this and act
>accordingly, a 28.8 user can, well, disconnect..
>...which isn't a problem, so long as c2c transfers happen out-of-band, on a
>different connection, which is what I'd hope they would do...
>Tim Lesher
>mailto:timl at epix.net
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