[JDEV] Yet more needs for changes..

Thomas Charron tcharron at nermail.ups.com
Thu Apr 1 18:41:37 CST 1999

	Ok, here's what I've come across using the common lib files..  Here they

1) *BIG ONE*

	Currently, there are two declares in #common.h:

jmp_buf _jabberlib_ioenv;
int _jabberlib_dbg;

	These need to be moved into a file SOMEWHERE and marked as extern in the
include file..  Everythings FINE untill you need to compile MULTIPLE files
that include #common.h, at which point the link will belch and moan about
multiple defs of them in multiple files..

2) Can we PPPWWWEEEEAASSEE change the DBUG macro to point to a function or
something?  printf's aren't going to do much in ANY sort of way in a
graphical envirnment, like KJabber, cabbar, Win32 are..

Thomas Charron
United Parcel Service
Northeast Region
"Moving at the speed of a T3 Trunk Line!"

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