<p>Hi jdev-ers,</p>
<p>buddycloud is coming along nicely and soon we'll have something that looks a little like https://beta.buddycloud.org/streams.html. (Code is at github.com/buddycloud)</p>
<p>We've taken the approach of using XMPP's native federation to build, what we think is the *right* way to create federated social networking. Now we need your help to test.</p>
<p>It's very much an alpha release, warts and all so you should probably be ok running your own XMPP server and comfortable throwing up a BOSH gateway.</p>
<p>If you are brave, and have about an hour spare, please have a look at our install instructions (https://buddycloud.org/wiki/Install) and send us some feedback.</p>
<p>Our approach is that buddycloud can be easily added to existing XMPP installations and helps connect your userbase with a larger bc userbase. With your feedback we can make sure we're on the right track.</p>
<p>Thanks to everyone who has already setup a buddycloud node and see you all at at FOSDEM.</p>
<p>PS: should you have more questions, we also have a daily office-hours MUC session at 12:30 UTC in seehaus@channels.buddycloud.com.</p>
Simon Tennant
mobile: +49 17 8545 0880
office: +44 20 7043 6756
office: +49 89 4209 55854</pre>