<div>Hi All,</div>
<div> I am new to the XMPP world, and have just started to learn it. I want to build a small web client that connects to xmpp servers, and allows the user to chat. For this I tried using both XMPP4JS and JSJac. In the sample client provided by both of these libraries I am getting exceptions.In JSJac, am getting-</div>
<div>An error occured:<br>Code: 503<br>Type: cancel<br>Condition: service-unavailable</div>
<div> </div>
<div>And in XMPP4JS, i am getting the error-</div>
<div>There was an error(fatal=true): The error is not one of those defined herein; the connection manager SHOULD include application-specific information in the content of the wrapper.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>What else do I need to configure. I am running the sample client under Apache. Also what exactly is BOSH, and what needs to be setup at client side to configure BOSH</div>