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<body class='hmmessage'>Thanks for your time Jehan!<BR>
Sometimes I am unsure how to explain what I have in my head lol so let me try and clarify some more. Responses are found below.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
<HR id=stopSpelling>
> To: jdev@jabber.org<BR>> From: list-jdev@jabberforum.org<BR>> Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 21:25:27 +0200<BR>> Subject: Re: [jdev] PubSub & News Feeds<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Kelly S;548 Wrote: <BR>> > Hiya.<BR>> > From what I can read on PubSub its clear how users subscribe to feeds<BR>> > and receive events but how can I handle a user requesting a feed that is<BR>> > not indexed on the server yet? So that the server can now start indexing<BR>> > that feed and begin Publishing new entries it pulls (I will be writting<BR>> > the service which starts pulling feeds off the web).<BR>> > <BR>> <BR>> Here as far as I understand, and remembering your previous post, you<BR>> want to be able to transform any RSS publication into a xmpp node<BR>> publication. So the point here is that your pubsub tree is "dynamic".<BR>> From what I know, this is not in the basic XEP, because it implies a<BR>> relation between the web and xmpp, which has not been planned (you<BR>> wanted to tie the http url and the pubsub node, for instance a rss in<BR>> http://subdomain.domain/some/path/feed/ would be in the node<BR>> /subdomain.domain/some/path/feed/, didn't you?).<BR>> Yet this is probably very easy to implement such service on a server:<BR>> when querying a subscription, it would check whether the address you<BR>> entered is indeed linking to a rss feed, then creating the associated<BR>> node for beginning to pull.<BR>> <BR>
I don't really need the node tree to reflect the url sub directory structure if thats what your mentioning in the "/subdomain.domain/some/path/feed/" path.<BR>
I've created a root node with the id of "feeds" and inside here is really where I just want to populate a whole ton of feeds. However I need to relate their web url somehow when trying to fetch these feeds because the "service" which is going to download & publish is going to need to know where to publish to.<BR>
I have been looking at some APIs of PubSub managers etc and many take node id as a string and I wonder if I put a url in there with "/" its going to think that is a sub node tree structure when all I really need is the following (I think?):<BR>
I hope this makes sense. I'm not sure how else to describe it.<BR>
<BR>> > Also a bunch of concerns pop into my head that I'm still unclear about<BR>> > when maintaining all this "feed" data. 1. Is there any way I can just<BR>> > publish the latest feeds I pulled down and pubsub discard any duplicates<BR>> > that may already exist? Or is the right way to handle this is to query<BR>> > every single entry individually to check if they exist before publishing<BR>> > them? <BR>> > <BR>> <BR>> Here you would do simply like any normal agregator already does: you<BR>> check the time. You know the last time you got any news on a RSS, hence<BR>> you stop reading the feed to this date.<BR>> <BR>
So basically I can request PubSub to send me the latest 1 item, take that date, then pull the RSS feed off the web, and only publish items newer? This makes sense I think. I was hoping I didn't have to execute queries before pushing data as that would put more load on the XMPP service but if I am able to request just 1 latest item atleast thats minimizing the hit.<BR>
<BR>> > <BR>> > Thanks so much for your time <BR>> > <BR>> <BR>> You're welcome. ;-)<BR>> <BR>
Again thanks so much. I am quite confused on how to relate the node structure to feed urls so hopefully I can get this figured out.<BR>
<BR>> <BR>> -- <BR>> Jehan<BR>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>> Jehan's Profile: http://www.jabberforum.org/member.php?userid=16911<BR>> View this thread: http://www.jabberforum.org/showthread.php?t=149<BR>> <BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> JDev mailing list<BR>> FAQ: http://www.jabber.org/discussion-lists/jdev-faq<BR>> Forum: http://www.jabberforum.org/forumdisplay.php?f=20<BR>> Info: http://mail.jabber.org/mailman/listinfo/jdev<BR>> Unsubscribe: JDev-unsubscribe@jabber.org<BR>> _______________________________________________<BR><BR><br /><hr /> <a href='' target='_new'></a></body>