better you configure you local host lookup. and put this entry there. <BR>
in linux its /etc/hosts<BR>
and in windows xp its c:\windows\system32\drivers\ETC\HOSTS (at least that's the name on Windows XP).<BR>
put the entry as:<BR> xmpp.org www.xmpp.org blog.xmpp.org<BR>
in case you have other flavour of windows, just cross check where this entry should be put. <BR>
try it out. <BR>
this should work out. <BR>
- kawaljeet.<BR>
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 Jonathan Dickinson wrote :<BR>
>Hmm, doesn't work:<BR>
>Redirects to j.o. Maybe I should just wait for that DNS server to kick in ;).<BR>
>Kevin Smith wrote:<BR>
>>On 24 Aug 2007, at 11:27, Jonathan Dickinson wrote:<BR>
>>>Whats the IP for XMPP.org/net?<BR>
-- kawaljeet singh chadha
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