<div>For those who know something about SMIL (I know, archaic) or other xml-based somewhat modern-browser-compatible sound-playback enabled languages:</div>
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<div>Is there a (Java)scriptwise method to invoke the playback of a certain element (for instance something like [document].getElementById("my_mediatag").play()). I'd like to know because i'm building a few applications that would really kick a** if they would include onevent audio, and are kind of mediocre just-another-javascript without it. It needs to work without Java or Flash or other non-native plugins, however any w3c web standard is welcome, even if only IE supports it (like svg, smil).
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<div>Lotsa thanks in advance for the geek who still knows what SMIL is...</div>
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<div>- Emile Nijssen</div>