<tt>JEP-0085: "Chat State Notifications"[1] states that <inactive/> should</tt><br>
<tt>be sent when:</tt><br>
<tt>User does not interact with the chat interface for an intermediate</tt><br>
<tt>period of time (e.g., 30 seconds), minimizes the chat interface, or</tt><br>
<tt>starts interacting with another chat interface or application.</tt><br>
<tt>The phrase "starts interacting with another chat interface or</tt><br>
<tt>application" simply restates (only with more ambiguity) "User does not</tt><br>
<tt>interact with the chat interface for an intermediate period of time</tt><br>
<tt>(e.g., 30 seconds)".</tt><br>
<tt>Imagine the following scenario:</tt><br>
<tt>1) UserA sends question to UserB</tt><br>
<tt>2) UserB receives message and consults browser/editor/etc. to answer</tt><br>
<tt> question.</tt><br>
<tt>3) UserB sends answer to UserA</tt><br>
<tt>At no point during this exchange does UserB stop "paying attention" to</tt><br>
<tt>the chat, so no, I don't think that an <inactive/> should be sent. </tt><br>
<tt>For completeness, if step #2 involved UserB getting distracted and</tt><br>
<tt>surfing the web for the next N+1 seconds an <inactive/> MUST be sent.</tt><br>
<tt>Is there anyone out there that supports sending <inactive/> every time a</tt><br>
<tt>window loses focus? (/me is cocked and ready :)), and if not, can we get</tt><br>
<tt>an update to the JEP that stresses that this is not the intention.</tt><br>
<tt>[1] <a href="http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0085.html">http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0085.html</a></tt>