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<p>> Hey all it's about time for a new development cycle for jabberd.
<br>Love to read that - I am a fan...
<p>Do you consider modifying the protocol ?
<br>I will join the effort on XML standards compliance as well.
<br>To me, the fact that Jabber is not fully compliant to XML standards
(namespaces for exemple) slows down the expansion of Jabber, as well as
the lack of rigourous documentations and specifications.
<p>This is what you can read on Jabber.org/ welcome page :
<br><i>"The result? Jabber is quickly becoming a standard component
of Internet infrastructure."</i>
<br>is it really true ?
<p>Preceding messages (on errors code, or component architecture
for exemple) show that there is a demand for such docs and specs.
<br>That is why I propose you to also enhance the effort on <b>documentation</b>.
<p>I know that there are many many things to do on Jabber,
that documenting and specifying are time consuming tasks,
<br>and that Jabber developpers have only two fingers, one brain et two
eyes... and like all developpers (from which I am) they prefer coding than
writing clear specification -- that's already in their head...
<p>But when you intend to spread your techno over the world -- and
want people to build their software based upon your techno - please
consider that documentation would ease their job, thus the adoption of
your techno. And if they can easily use it -- without having to read your
code to understand how to do --, the techno will really become <i>a standard
component of Internet infrastructure</i>.
<p>Well, I would like to...that's why I wrote you these kindly unpleasant
<p>best regards,
<br>Frédérique Pinson
<p>France Telecom R&D/DMI/GRI
<br>Tel: +(33) 2 96 05 30 85
<br>Fax: +(33) 2 96 05 32 86
<p>"Fabrice DESRE - FT.BD/FTRD/DMI/GRI" wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Thomas Muldowney wrote:
<br>> Hey all it's about time for a new development cycle for jabberd.
<br>> will be under the guise of a 1.5.x series of releases culminating
in a
<br>> 1.6.0 release. We won't officially start the development until
1.4.2 is
<br>> tagged in CVS but there is plenty for us to do before that.
My main
<br>> goal right now is to get the feature list put together that we're
<br>> working towards. After discussing with a few of the jdev group
<br>> we currently have this list:
<br>> - General cleanup and standards compliance. This includes checking
<br>> the error reporting to make sure it makes sense, and
all the other
<br>> little oddities that have slipped in.
<p> Which standards are you talking about ? If you think of the correct
<br>processing of xml namespaces i'm +1 on this one.
<p> Fabrice
<br>Fabrice Desré - France Telecom R&D/DTL/MSV
<br>Tel: +(33) 2 96 05 31 43
<br>Fax: +(33) 2 96 05 32 86
<br>jdev mailing list
<br><a href="http://mailman.jabber.org/listinfo/jdev">http://mailman.jabber.org/listinfo/jdev</a></blockquote>