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<br>I have a Jabber Server which running behind a firewall, and has a static
IP which can be resolved globally. We have modified the firewall so that
it can allow us to send and receive packets on 5222 port.
<br> I have installed the Yahoo transport and updated the Jabber.xml
file with it.
<p>I am able to connect to the Jabber Server thru my client, but when i
am trying to add a yahoo gateway to my client, The server gives the following
<p><i> [Yahoolib] failed to look up server (msg.edit.yahoo.com:80)</i>
<br><i> [Yahoolib] failed to connect to pager auth
<br><i> [notice] (yahoo. Session
failed to start for gdutt@ as user gdutt -
bad username or password</i><i></i>
<p>I am unable to resolve where it it wrong, is it with my firewall or
something to do with my Jabber configuration.
<p>Any suggestions as how to proceed on this !!
<br>Thanks in advance !!
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