Hi, does Jabber right now support the following things: 1. events: onReceive -> we are getting a message afterReceive -> we received a message beforeSend -> before send a message to the user afterSend -> we send a message onLogin -> a User login onLogout -> a User logs out afterRegistration -> anew User comes 2. If such a event occurs, can I call a PHP or PERL-script ? 3. Can I send messages to some users only 4. Can I send / define my own messagtypes (receive and send) for e.g. format control (Color, Font....). 5. Some messages should only be visible as Textmessages 6. Self defined "Systemmessages" must be sendable to the clients but only to some clients (dynamic). Data are stored e.g in MySQL. 7. Usermessages are send only to special user (e. g. conferencing) 8. "God-mode" for Administrator Thank you very much for a fast reply Best regards Ulrich Eckardt == uli@leben.de _____________________________________________________________ Ihre kostenlose email-adresse mit http://www.leben.de . ____________________________ Need a Content Manager ? Go to http://www.dasat.com