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Hi All ,
I have installed the latest version of Jabber Server . I am facing a peculiar
problem .
<br>step 1) I created a user with the username say 'AAAbbb' .
<br>step 2) But ,when someone gets a message from this user 'AAAbbb' ,
he will receive it as
<br> <i><message
type='1' from='aaabbb@jabber.org/AAAbbb'><body/></message></i>
<br><i> </i>
<br><i> </i>But ,
our database is case-sensitive . So , it will identify 'aaabbb' as invalid
user .
<br> Why Jabber sends
the username in <i><u>lowercase</u> </i>only<i> .</i>
<br><i> </i>
<br>Regards ,
<br>Chetan S. Ithal
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