[jdev] Announcing xmpp.work

JC Brand lists at opkode.com
Fri Jun 12 09:24:57 UTC 2020

Hi Everyone

As many of you may know, it can be challenging to find an XMPP-related 
job, or to hire someone with XMPP skills.

XMPP is used in various industries and by many companies, but a lot of 
this happens out of sight and hiring is often done through word of mouth.

I've experienced this first hand, first as an freelancer looking for 
work, and now as an employee at a company looking for developers.

This is why I've created xmpp.work, a new XMPP job portal and service 
provider directory.

Go check out https://xmpp.work, and if you are a service provider, for 
example a freelance developer or company that offers XMPP-related 
services, then please add yourself there.

If you work for a company that is looking for someone with XMPP skills, 
then please post your job there.

The more people use this website, the more useful it will be for 
everyone, and thereby help raise awareness of XMPP talent and job 
opportunities available out there.

Feedback and ideas are appreciated.

Thank you!

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