[jdev] Displaying presence from contacts with multiple resources

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Thu Apr 19 15:46:28 UTC 2018

On 19 April 2018 at 15:43, Georg Lukas <georg at op-co.de> wrote:

> * Matthew Wild <mwild1 at gmail.com> [2018-04-19 16:12]:
> > If you've implemented a client, I'm curious to learn how you chose to
> > determine what presence to show for a contact if they have multiple
> > resources with different 'show' states (e.g. one is just available,
> > and one is dnd).
> That's a great question. It would make sense to have "dnd" override any
> other setting, as yout typically don't want to disturb a person on any
> of the channels if this setting is configured.

If what we want is the posture of the user, and not the client, we should
define a spec for it (and, I suspect, throw it into PEP).

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