[jdev] FOSDEM 2017 and XMPP Summit 21 dates
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.pro
Wed Oct 12 15:07:05 UTC 2016
On 21/07/16 16:49, Ralph Meijer wrote:
> Hi all,
> The FOSDEM organization has announced the dates for the 2017 edition:
> Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 February. As usual, we will try to arrange for
> having another Realtime Lounge, as well as a devroom, as soon as the
> Call for Participation happens. Of course, you can already start
> thinking about:
> * Your demo for the Realtime Lounge (if allocated). Anything related to
> XMPP or other open realtime protocols or technology goes. IoT stuff is
> always a great thing to show off something as abstract as protocols.
> * Your talk, presentation, etc., for the devroom (if allocated).
> * Your main track or lightning talk.
> Additionally, I am proud to announce that the XSF is once again
> organizing an XMPP Summit, for the 21st time. The dates are Thursday 2
> and Friday 3 February.
Real-time Communication dev-room and lounge have been confirmed[1] by
the FOSDEM admins
dev-room is on the Saturday, 4 February
How would you feel about making the second day of the XMPP summit into a
generic Free RTC summit, looking at things that are common to XMPP and
other projects, or having a Free-RTC summit in parallel with the XMPP
summit on both days?
Some possible topics for an RTC summit are TURN, WebRTC, TLS issues,
supporting more Free RTC packages, GSoC recruiting, all of these are
relevant to XMPP but also useful for SIP and other purposes.
I've recently set up the Free-RTC Announce mailing list for periodic
announcements about major initiatives in Free-RTC, the XMPP community is
welcome to use it too, the aim is to have only a few messages per month,
please subscribe[2] if you would like to receive such emails from time
to time.
We will try to have some discussion between different communities about
FOSDEM on the Free-RTC discussion list, it would also be a great place
to promote the XMPP summit if you are keen to encourage people beyond
the XMPP community to join in.
1. https://fosdem.org/2017/news/2016-10-10-accepted-developer-rooms/
2. http://lists.freertc.org/mailman/listinfo/announce
3. https://lists.fsfe.org/mailman/listinfo/free-rtc
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