[jdev] Gateway registration protocol

Stephen Paul Weber singpolyma at singpolyma.net
Sat Dec 5 19:40:57 UTC 2015

Hey all!

I'm developing a gateway that needs a multi-stage registration process 
(specifically, the user gives me a phone number to claim, then I text a code 
to that number, then they give me the code).  I'd like to use the normal
https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0100.html#usecases-jabber-register proess, 
but it seems that returning a form in response to the first iqset is 
interpreted as success.  The spec isn't super clear to me on if multi-stage 
should be allowed (when using jabber:x:data wrapped protocol especially) or 
if this is just not allowed and I should use a different mechanism.

Stephen Paul Weber, @singpolyma
See <http://singpolyma.net> for how I prefer to be contacted
edition right joseph
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