[jdev] New client; update client list

Philipp Hancke fippo at goodadvice.pages.de
Fri Jun 13 18:33:34 UTC 2014

Am 13.06.2014 14:02, schrieb Emil Ivov:
> Hey Marcel,
> Congrats for the release.

same here, ^5 Klaus!

> One question
> On 12.06.14, 18:40, Marcel Waldvogel wrote:
>> * End-to-end encrypted audio and video calls from Firefox and Chrome
>> without plugin
> Is this referring to WebRTC's use of DTLS-SRTP? Because, if so,
> "end-to-end" is a bit misleading given that today's implementation of
> DTLS-SRTP there is vulnerable to to MitM attacks from the service provider.

Well, it's end-to-end. It's not end-to-end with authenticated peers.

Guess who is working on that :-p

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