[jdev] UPnP and XMPP

Steffen Larsen zooldk at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 21:04:15 UTC 2014

I haven’t heard anything from the XMPP/UPnP Liaisons, but I just stumbled over this on the UPnP homepage (http://upnp.org/news/2014/): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-QpNnQrT2U&list=UUY7zsGPIO9PRbUDv1obTBWQ

Personally I am hoping for some progress for Multi-Screen and XMPP which I have been working with for a while. Anyone know how I can get involved in this Committee? Any of you Liaisons that have been involved?

I thought it might be interesting for you guys. :-)

#Standards #XMPP #MUC #CLOUD 

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