[jdev] new XMPP website

Simon Tennant simon at buddycloud.com
Wed Jul 23 17:49:42 UTC 2014

Laura and myself have been working on the new website.

If you have 15 minutes and would like to help, there's a bunch of small
tasks on https://trello.com/b/ml9e82sE/xmpp-org-website that we could
really some help with.

For example:

   - migrating the software page at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software
   - writing up an intro to IoT
   - collecting tutorials (https://trello.com/c/ta96GnW4/33-tutorials)

Please start sending pull requests for the repo at
https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org - your files can be in markdown too. Once
we have a pull request we'll try and move the files and navigation to match
and rebuild to the temp site at new.xmpp.org.


PS: don't worry too much about language and grammar at this point - we'll
polish and copy edit more later.


Simon Tennant | buddycloud.com | +49 17 8545 0880 | office hours:
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