[jdev] Handling of MUC within Candy

Michael Weibel michael.weibel+xmpp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 05:57:43 UTC 2014

Well, yes. I should note that my arguments are based on general usage 
on the XMPP network. I think closed environments (for example Michael 
mentioned an in-game chat) are able to make their own decisions about 
these kinds of things, as they ultimately control the whole thing from 
the server to the protocol, client and overall user experience. I'm 
quite certain there are scenarios where messaging user-to-user using 
only real JIDs would work better. 
I guess that’s part of the problem here: Candy is developed for general usage and, because they like certain things about Candy, some users are adapting it to their own custom environments (which is perfectly fine and I’m really glad it’s happening). However, if such basic decisions (like real vs. room jid) need to be different, a fork of Candy or an own implementation might be more the way to go. 

I don’t know if I can support both ways without a lot of code. 

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