[jdev] [software announce] Salut à Toi v0.3 (with online demo)

Goffi goffi at goffi.org
Wed Jan 16 13:09:27 UTC 2013

G'day everybody,

I have released a new 0.3 version of my multi-frontends XMPP client "Salut à 
Toi", with an online demo of the web interface ( on http://www.libervia.org ).

The software is made mainly with Python (using Twisted/Wokkel), it offers 
severals frontends (web, console, desktop, cli) and some original features 
(microblogging with access restrictions, pipe over XMPP, collective radio, 

the release post is there: http://www.goffi.org/post/2013/01/11/Salut-%C3%A0-
Toi-version-0.3.0-%28with-demo-online-%21%29 .

The project is libre (free) software, under AGPL v3+, and I'm looking for 
help. There is a social contract which indicates the direction of the project, 
you'll find it on http://sat.goffi.org .


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