[jdev] A rapidxml fork for XMPP

Alexander Holler holler at ahsoftware.de
Wed Dec 4 23:25:47 UTC 2013

Am 04.12.2013 23:49, schrieb Dave Cridland:
> Since we've been discussing XML parsers a lot...

I think many people misunderstood why I don't like XML.

It isn't really because XML-parser are hard to use, it's because they 
are unnecessary for the simple task of sending and receiving messages or 
presence states.

Of course, using one ready to use XML-parser does cost time because you 
need to know his API, otherwise bad things might happen.

But my whole point is, that they are bloat in both, code and resource 
size (I know about in-situ parsers, but even those have to parse). And I 
don't see any reason why the stuff which goes over the wire should be in 
a "somewhat" human readable format. And with SSL, that human readable 
thing is already gone (on the wire).

And, please, don't forget, that unholly discussion started because I've 
responded to a mail about M2M. And I wouldn't like it, if M2M wherever 
that term will end up, would use that bloat again.


Alexander Holler

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